Dit is een verzameling van adviezen voor Covid geïnjecteerden (spijtoptanten) en niet-Covid geïnjecteerde personen (transmissie).
Read moreAuthor: innersmile11@hotmail.com
Yoga and meditation practisioner, massage therapist, come unity builder,music and dance lover, interested in all ways to wich promote natural health and pure truth. Snappie TV is making co-creative videos to spread information on natural health and pure truth and right action the Dharma of Human Kind.
Helping others in the physical, mental and emotional spheres gives me a strong sense of meaning, so I decided also to help people out as a
"handy girl" in the house, in the garden, moving houses, bringing people to Schiphol, or pick them up after a long nite out and than I am the BOB.
As I am handy with my hands I've also started a " Handy Hands "initiative so I can come to help inside the house with small construction work.
Also my van can be used to bring people to Schiphol, drive people home as a BOB, bring elderly to the beach, do house movings or take a way garden rubbish.
Pedophilia networks rule the world.
“Scholen moeten kinderen toerusten om sekspartners te hebben”,zeggen de VN en de WHO Dit bewijsrapport onthult hoe de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie en
Read moreStop World Control.
Onder deze link www.stopworldcontrol.com kunt u weer de link vinden van de webpagina www.stopworldcontrol.com van David Sorensen. De website bevat
Read moreWOB verzoeken Rijksoverheid 11 Maart 2022
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