Yoga-House retreat center

The Yoga House is situated across the beautiful lake Gaasperplas, a lovely natural area to walk around, do some jogging, play tennis or do some swimming or canoeing.

ILMA YOGA-HOUSE is also a place to relax, meditate, do yoga, receive a massage, learn how to make vegan or ayurvedic food, or follow a personal detox program. Find out more at : 

28 Maart-2 April kunt u met ons mee naar Winterberg in Duitsland, yoga,meditatie, wandelen, frisse lucht, mede reizigers bewust zijns zoekers, stuur een mail naar: voor meer info mbt deze retraite in Duitsland in het Savita verblijf in Winterberg.

Recently March 2020 we also started a media platform called “SNAPPIE TV’ a media channel to bring truth out about health, vaxxines, governments,child abuse, and more topics, as we want to follow our Dharma to serve society with truth to make this world a better place.